Webflow Technical SEO Guide And Checklist

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Want your stunning Webflow website to rank higher in search results?

Search engines like Google need to understand your site to show it to the right visitors.

That's where Webflow Technical SEO comes in.

In this guide, we'll break down everything you need to know to optimize your Webflow site for search engines, from meta descriptions to mobile responsiveness. 

What is Webflow Technical SEO? The Foundation of Search Success

Webflow Technical SEO is the behind-the-scenes optimization of your website that makes it search-engine friendly. It's all about ensuring search engine crawlers can easily find, understand, and index your website's content.

Here's a breakdown of why Webflow technical SEO is crucial:

  • Improved Visibility: Improved visibility in search results means search engines can easily find and show your website to users looking for relevant information. SEO makes your website bright and clear, so search engines can easily find your website.
  • Higher Rankings: By addressing technical issues like site speed and mobile-friendliness, you send positive signals to search engines, potentially boosting your ranking in search results.
  • Better User Experience: Many technical SEO best practices, like fast loading times and clear navigation, also improve user experience. This keeps visitors happy and engaged with your site.

In short, technical SEO is the foundation for a successful SEO strategy. By optimizing the technical aspects of your website, you lay the groundwork for search engines to find your valuable content and deliver it to the right audience.

The Webflow Technical SEO Checklist: Essential Steps for Success

Creating a website with Webflow is a great first step, but don't forget to optimize it for search engines with Webflow SEO tactics. To ensure your website ranks well, utilize Webflow's built-in SEO tools and follow a technical SEO checklist. 

This checklist will help identify areas for improvement.

By optimizing factors like image size and code structure, you can create a website that loads quickly, enhances user experience, and achieves a higher search ranking.

Here's a breakdown of crucial steps for Webflow technical SEO, explaining each‌:

1. Use Clear and Descriptive URLs:

URLs help search engines categorize your content. Clear URLs are also user-friendly.


While editing a page in Webflow, locate the "SEO Slug" section under "Page Settings." Here, create descriptive, concise URLs, and include relevant keywords. Avoid using special characters or uppercase letters.

2. Ensure Mobile Responsiveness:

With mobile-first indexing, a responsive website that adapts seamlessly across devices is crucial for SEO.


Webflow offers built-in responsive design capabilities. During the design process, preview your website on various devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) to ensure it displays correctly and offers a smooth user experience on all screen sizes.

Webflow mobile optimization is crucial as More and more people browse the web on their phones, so ensuring your site renders perfectly on all devices is key to a positive user experience.

3. Enable and Submit an XML Sitemap and HTML Sitemap:

An XML sitemap lists all your website's pages, helping search engines discover and index your content efficiently while an HTML sitemap provides human-readable navigation.


Webflow offers an auto-generated XML sitemap feature. In your Webflow project settings, under the "SEO" tab, locate "Sitemap" and enable its generation. Once generated, submit your sitemap to Google Search Console for optimal indexing.

An accurate Webflow sitemap acts as a roadmap for search engines so submitting your sitemap helps search engines discover and index all your important pages.

4. Configure Robots.txt:

Robots.txt is a file that instructs search engine crawlers on which pages to index and which to avoid.


While Webflow doesn't directly edit robots.txt, you can access it through your website hosting provider's control panel. Robots.txt allows you to control crawling behavior if needed (though for most basic setups, the default settings are usually sufficient).

5. Connect Your Site to Google Search Console and Google Analytics:

These free tools from Google provide valuable insights into your website's search performance and user behavior.


Follow the instructions provided by Google to connect your Webflow website to both Search Console and Google Analytics. This allows you to monitor your SEO progress, identify areas for improvement, and track user engagement metrics. 

So Once you've built your website on Webflow, take the next step and connect it to powerful analytics tools. Integrating Google Search Console will provide valuable insights into how users find your site through search engines. 

This information can be used to refine your SEO strategy and improve your search ranking. Additionally, add Google Analytics to Webflow allows you to track user behavior on your website. By analyzing these metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your audience and optimize your website for better conversions.

6. Schema Markup

  • Types: Schema.org offers a vocabulary of tags that you can add to your website's code to provide search engines with richer information about your content. Some common schema types include:
    • Article: For blog posts, news articles, etc. 
    • FAQs: For FAQs 
    • Product: For e-commerce products.
    • Local Business: For businesses with a physical location.
    • Event: For upcoming events.
    • Recipe: For recipes.
    • Video: For videos.


By using relevant Schema markup, you can help search engines understand your content better, potentially leading to richer search results (e.g., product ratings, event details displayed directly in search results). This can improve click-through rates (CTRs) from search engines.

7. Breadcrumb Navigation

Breadcrumbs are a navigation aid that shows users their location within your website's hierarchy, typically displayed as a horizontal trail of links.


Breadcrumbs enhance user experience (UX) by providing clear navigation context, making it easier for users to find their way back to higher levels of your site. This can improve user engagement and decrease bounce rates (users leaving after one page).

8. Broken Links

Broken links are hyperlinks on your website that point to non-existent or inaccessible pages. This can happen because of typos, deleted pages, or external website changes.


Broken links frustrate users and can negatively affect SEO, as search engines may penalize websites with many broken links.

9. 404 Errors

A 404 error (Not Found) indicates that the requested page on your website does not exist. This can happen due to broken links, mistyped URLs, or deleted pages.


Create a custom 404 page that guides users back to your main site or offers helpful suggestions. You can also use server-side redirects (301 redirects) to point users to relevant existing pages.

10. Canonical Errors

A canonical error occurs when there are multiple versions of the same page on your website, each with a different URL. Search engines may not know which version to index, potentially hurting your SEO.


Use a canonical tag (a piece of code in the HTML head section) to specify the definitive URL for a page with duplicate versions. This helps search engines consolidate their indexing efforts.

11. 301 Redirects

A 301 redirect (Permanent Redirect) is a server-side instruction that tells search engines and browsers that a page has been permanently moved to a new location.


Use 301 redirects when you've permanently changed the URL of a page, to avoid broken links and ensure search engine authority is transferred to the new location.

Maintaining a clean URL structure is important for SEO. Webflow 301 redirects allow you to seamlessly move pages to new locations, ensuring search engines and visitors find the right content. This helps prevent broken links and maintains your website's SEO health.

12. Website speed optimization

Website speed optimization is making your web pages load faster. It's crucial because:

  • Users: People get impatient with slow websites and are more likely to bounce (leave) if pages take too long. Faster loading times lead to happier users and potentially higher conversion rates (e.g., purchases, sign-ups).
  • SEO: Search engines favour faster websites in their rankings. A speedy website signals a better user experience to search engines, potentially boosting your search visibility.

Here's how you can optimize:

  • Images: Compress images without sacrificing quality.
  • Code: Minify code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) to remove unnecessary characters.
  • Caching: Leverage browser caching to store website elements locally, reducing load times on repeat visits.
  • Hosting: Choose a reliable hosting provider with good server capacity.
  • Reduce HTTP Requests: Fewer files (images, scripts) mean fewer requests the browser needs to make, speeding up loading.

By focusing on Webflow page speed optimization, you can create a faster website that keeps users engaged and improves your search engine ranking. A fast-loading website not only keeps visitors happy but also ranks higher in search results. By optimising images, code, and overall site structure, you can ensure your Webflow site is blazing fast.

13. Leverage the "Inspect URL" Feature in GSC (Google Search Console):

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free tool from Google that helps monitor your website's health and performance in search.

Within GSC, the "Inspect URL" provides information about Google's indexed version of a specific page, and also allows you to test whether a URL might be indexable.

Here's how to use it for Webflow SEO:

  • Open GSC and navigate to your Webflow site.
  • Click on the “URL Inspection” button on the left-hand side
  • Then, add the page URL
  • GSC will show insights about what information Google has on file about your URL's discoverability, accessibility, and indexability, and by letting you test URLs live.
  • Use this information to identify and fix technical SEO problems on that specific page.

14. Make Sure You Are Using HTTPS:

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is crucial for security and SEO. It encrypts communication between your website and visitors, protecting data and improving user trust.

Webflow offers built-in HTTPS options. Here's how to enable it:

  • Go to your Webflow project settings.
  • Under the "General" tab, locate the "SSL/TLS" section.
  • Choose "Always Use HTTPS" and activate the free Let's Encrypt certificate (or use a custom one).

15. Find and Fix Crawl Errors:

Crawl errors occur when search engine bots encounter issues accessing or indexing your Webflow pages.

GSC's "Coverage" report displays crawl errors. Here's how to find and fix them:

  • In GSC, navigate to the "Pages" section under your Webflow site.
  • Look for pages with errors like "not found" or "access denied."
  • Click on the error to understand the specific issue. Common causes include broken links, server errors, or password-protected pages.
  • Fix the underlying problem (e.g., update a broken link or remove password protection).
  • In Webflow, you can address these issues by checking your page links, and publishing settings, and ensuring no password protection is accidentally enabled.
  • Once fixed, use the "Validate Fix" button in GSC to tell Google to re-crawl the page.

16. Check the Page & Crawl Depth:

  • Page depth refers to the number of clicks it takes to reach a specific page from your homepage. Ideally, most pages should be reachable within 3-4 clicks.
  • A flat site structure with good internal linking helps search engines discover and understand your content.
  • Webflow doesn't provide a built-in page depth checker, but you can use tools like Screaming Frog or analyze your sitemap to identify pages with excessive depth.
  • To improve page depth, consider restructuring your navigation or adding internal links to deeper pages from relevant higher-level pages.

17. Check for Duplicate Versions of Your Site:

  • Duplicate content can confuse search engines and harm your SEO. This can happen due to variations in URLs (www vs non-www, with or without trailing slashes).
  • Use GSC's "URL Inspection" tool to check for indexed duplicate URLs.
  • In Webflow, ensure consistent URL structures and use 301 redirects to consolidate duplicate versions to a single canonical URL.

18. Find and Fix Orphaned Pages:

  • Orphaned pages are not linked to from any other pages on your website. This makes it difficult for search engines to find them.
  • Use website crawlers like Screaming Frog to identify orphaned pages.
  • In Webflow, review your site structure and add internal links to relevant orphaned pages from other parts of your website.

By following these steps and continually monitoring your website's health, you can ensure your Webflow site is technically optimized for search engines and primed for strong SEO performance.

Also, Read: Webflow SEO: A Beginner’s Guide to Win Over the Search Engines

Final Thoughts 

Following the technical SEO recommendations outlined in this guide will equip your Webflow website for success in search engine results. By prioritizing clear communication with search engines through optimized titles, descriptions, and structured data, alongside a user-friendly mobile-responsive design and fast loading speeds, you'll lay a strong foundation for organic ranking growth. Remember, technical SEO is an ongoing process, so stay vigilant about monitoring your website's health and adapting to search engine algorithm updates.


1. Is SEO difficult to implement for Webflow websites?

Webflow shouldn't be a hurdle for implementing SEO. In fact, Webflow is a user-friendly platform that makes it easy to  integrate SEO best practices

With its built-in tools and clear interface, you can optimize  your website's content, structure, and technical aspects for search engines without extensive coding knowledge.

2. How often should I update my website's technical SEO?

Search engine algorithms and user expectations evolve, so it's beneficial to revisit technical SEO considerations periodically. Aim for quarterly or biannual check-ups, with adjustments as needed.

3. Are there any SEO tools specifically helpful for Webflow websites?

Several SEO tools can be valuable for Webflow sites. Google Search Console and Google Analytics are excellent free options that provide insights into website performance and search traffic. Additional tools can help with tasks like keyword research and competitor analysis.

4. I'm not comfortable making code edits to my Webflow site. Can I still achieve good technical SEO?

Webflow's visual interface makes technical SEO achievable without extensive coding knowledge. Many optimizations can be made through the designer and editor tools. For more complex situations, consider consulting a Webflow developer or SEO specialist.

5. How long does it take to see results from technical SEO improvements?

The timeframe for witnessing results from technical SEO optimization varies depending on the competitiveness of your target keywords and the overall health of your website. It typically takes weeks or months to see a noticeable improvement in search rankings. However, the positive user experience and crawl ability helps in long-term SEO success.

Viken Patel

Viken Patel

Viken Patel has 14+ years of experience working with websites. He is passionate about building website that converts. His marketing background helps him build the sales driven websites.

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