How to Connect Your Webflow Forms to HubSpot

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Looking for a way to Connect your Webflow Forms to HubSpot? 

This guide dives straight into the process of connecting your Webflow forms to HubSpot, ensuring a smooth flow of leads from your website directly into your CRM.

All those new leads will automatically flow into your CRM, saving you time and effort.

Ready to streamline your lead capture process? Let's dive in!

Benefits of Connecting Webflow Forms to HubSpot 

Imagine this: Someone fills out a form on your website, but the information gets lost in a black hole. Connecting your Webflow forms to HubSpot stops that from happening. Here's how it makes your life (and marketing) easier:

  • Effortless Lead Capture: When someone submits a Webflow form, their info automatically gets whisked away to HubSpot. No more manually copying and pasting data–it's like magic.
  • Meet Your Leads, Instantly: HubSpot becomes your one-stop shop for all your leads. See their names, email addresses, and any other details they shared in the form.
  • Say Goodbye to Data Scattering: Ever felt like your data is scattered everywhere? With Webflow and HubSpot connected, all your lead information lives in one place. No more hunting around for scraps of information.
  • Targeted Marketing Made Easy: HubSpot helps you understand your leads better. You can segment them based on what they filled out in the form, allowing you to send personalized emails and messages. Imagine sending discount codes to people interested in a specific product–that's the power of targeted marketing!
  • Track What Works (and What Doesn't): HubSpot tracks how many people fill out your forms. This lets you see which forms are converting well and which one's need a little change. No more guessing games–data tells the story!
  • Automated Workflows: HubSpot lets you set up automated workflows based on form submissions. For example, when someone signs up for your Newsletter, they can be automatically added to an email list. Less work for you, happier leads.

In short, connecting Webflow forms to HubSpot is like giving your marketing a turbo boost. It saves you time, helps you understand your leads better, and lets you focus on what matters–growing your business!

4 Ways to Connect Your Webflow Forms to HubSpot 

Integrating your Webflow forms with HubSpot allows you to collect and manage leads within your CRM platform seamlessly. This streamlines your marketing workflow and ensures valuable lead data is captured effectively. 

Here's a detailed breakdown of four methods to connect your Webflow forms to HubSpot:

1. Native Webflow Enterprise and HubSpot Integration:

This built-in method offers a user-friendly approach for connecting your forms. Here's a step-by-step walkthrough:

  • Enable HubSpot Webflow Integration:

            - Go to your Webflow Workspace Settings.

            - Navigate to the Apps and Integrations tab 

            - Click "Connected Apps" and find an app 

            - Find HubSpot on the marketplace.

            - Install an app

  • Map Your Webflow Form to HubSpot:

            - Go to your Webflow project settings.

            - Find the "Forms" tab (might be under "Marketing" or "Site settings").

            - Look for "Form integrations."

            - Click "Map new form."

            - Choose "HubSpot" as the marketing platform.

  • Connect the Forms:

            - Select the HubSpot form where you want Webflow submissions to go.

              - Match the corresponding fields between your Webflow form and the HubSpot form (e.g., Webflow "Email" to HubSpot "Email").

            - Click "Connect form" to finalize the mapping.

Essentially, you're setting up a bridge between your Webflow form and the desired HubSpot form to collect and manage leads effectively.

2. Embedding HubSpot Forms:

This method leverages pre-built HubSpot forms within your Webflow design. Here's how to achieve it:

  • Create a Form in HubSpot:

            - Log in to your HubSpot dashboard and navigate to "Marketing" > "Lead Capture" > "Forms."

            - Click "Create Form" and choose the "Embedded form" option.

            - Design your form using the drag-and-drop builder and customize its appearance.

            - Once complete, click the "Embed" button and copy the provided code snippet.

  • Embed HubSpot Form in Webflow:

            - Go to your Webflow Designer and drag the "Embed" element onto your canvas where you want the form to appear.

            - Paste the copied HubSpot form code snippet into the embed element settings.

            - Publish your Webflow website to make the form live.

Also, Read: Top 10 Webflow Applications and Integrations

3. Webflow to HubSpot Forms with Zapier Integration:

Zapier, a third-party automation tool, acts as a bridge between Webflow forms and HubSpot. Here's a simplified overview:

  • Create a Zapier Account:

            - Sign up for a free Zapier account or choose a paid plan depending on your needs.

  • Set Up a Zap:

            - Within Zapier, create a new Zap selecting Webflow as the trigger app and HubSpot as the action app.

            - Choose the specific Webflow form submission as the trigger and select the desired HubSpot action (e.g., creating a new contact).

            - Map the corresponding fields between Webflow and HubSpot to ensure data flows correctly.

            - Test and activate your Zap to automate form submissions.

4. Custom Code with Webflow & HubSpot API Tracking

This method requires some development knowledge and involves implementing custom code. Here's a general outline:

  • Create a Webflow Form:

            - Design your form within Webflow using the form builder and its styling options.

  • Implement Custom Code:

            - Utilize JavaScript or a similar language to capture form submission data.

            - Integrate the HubSpot Forms API within your code to send the captured data to HubSpot for creating contacts or other desired actions.

  • Add HubSpot Tracking Code:

            - Install the HubSpot tracking code on your Webflow website to enable tracking and analytics for form submissions.

Choosing the Right Method

The best way to connect your Webflow forms to HubSpot depends on your comfort level. Here's a breakdown:

  • Native Integration & Embedding: These options are perfect for beginners–no coding required! You can either map existing Webflow forms or embed pre-built HubSpot forms directly into your site.
  • Zapier (Optional): If you're familiar with automation tools, Zapier can simplify the process.
  • Custom Code (Advanced): For developers, a custom solution using Webflow's API and HubSpot's Contacts API offers maximum control.

Ultimately, all methods achieve the same result: seamlessly sending form submissions from Webflow to HubSpot.

Choose the approach that best suits your team's skills!

Also, Read: How to Add Google Analytics To Webflow

Final Thoughts

Now that you've learned how to connect your Webflow forms to HubSpot, you can streamline your marketing and sales process. No more jumping between platforms! 

New leads will automatically flow into your HubSpot CRM, giving you a central hub for all your contacts. This makes it easy to find information, follow up with leads, and segment them for targeted marketing campaigns.

You can even track which forms are converting well to optimize your marketing efforts. If you're not a developer, simply share these instructions with your technical team. If you are a developer, try the methods yourself and let us know how it goes!

Recommended To Read: Essential Webflow Mobile Optimization Tips for Better Performance


1. What are the benefits of connecting Webflow Forms to HubSpot?

  • No more manually copying info from forms into HubSpot, saving you time.
  • All your leads are in one place, making them easier to find and manage.
  • You can send targeted emails and messages to lead based on what they filled out in the form.
  • You can see which forms are converting well and which one's need improvement.
  • You can set up automated actions, like adding someone to an email list after they sign up for your newsletter.

2. How can I connect them?

There are 4 ways:

  1. Native Integration: This is the easiest way and is built right into Webflow.
  2. Embedding HubSpot Forms: You create the form in HubSpot and then embed the code into your Webflow site.
  3. Zapier Integration: This uses a tool called Zapier to connect Webflow and HubSpot.
  4. Custom Code: This requires some coding knowledge to connect them yourself.

3. How do I use the native integration?

Enable it in Webflow settings, grant Webflow access to HubSpot, and then map your Webflow form fields to corresponding HubSpot lead fields.

4. How do I embed HubSpot forms?

Create a form in HubSpot, design it, copy the embed code, and paste it into a Webflow embed element.

5. What does Zapier do?

Zapier acts as a bridge between Webflow and HubSpot, automating form submissions. You set up a Zap to trigger on a Webflow form submission and perform an action in HubSpot.

Sanket vaghani

Sanket vaghani

Sanket Vaghani has 8+ years of experience building designs and websites. He is passionate about building user centric designs and Webflow. He build amazing Webflow websites and designs for brands.

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